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Game 1: Polotsk to Borizov
Andrew (Soviet) versus Mike Haycock (French)
Fighting Withdrawl, 5-2 Soviet Major Victory

With limited Anti-tank, the Mike’s French Force failed to stem the tide of IS-2s. Strangely, the heavy tanks managed to bog themselves on the way to the objective, forcing Andrew’s T-34s and Motostrelkovy to rush to assault the objective. The fighting was fierce, but the French were forced to retire after heavy casualties.

Soviet Win
Firestorm Turn 4
German Win

Game 2: Rogachev to Zhlobin
Jochen (Soviet) versus Shane (German)
Encounter, 4-3 German Minor Victory

The Russian tank horde battered the German forces at Zholbin, hoping to cause a crack in the German defences outside Bobruisk. The result was anything but a success for the Red Army! The tenacious defenders saw off an IS-2 assault as well as other Soviet tanks, keeping the territory well in hand for the German cause!
Firestorm Turn 4

Game 3: Berezino to Osipovichi
Kyran (Soviet) versus Chris (German)
Hold the Line, 5-2 Soviet Major Victory

Generals Henry and Townley had been harassing each other over the course of the week. Chris bet Kryan that he could not beat him using Soviet armour. Kyran instantly tagged the bet. The two set to work forming lists. When battle was joined Chris' German Brumbars and Jadgpanthers began putting the hurt down on Kyran's T-34 horde. Chris was in his element, blowing up anything that he could see, when suddenly the game ended with Kyran sneaking a tank into contesting range of an objective. With that, Chris's hubris was greatly deflated and the German force had to admit defeat!

Soviet Win
Firestorm Turn 4
Soviet Win

Game 4: Zhlobin to Buda-Koshelevo
Mark (Soviet) versus Richard (British)
Free-for-All, 6-1 Soviet Stunning Victory

Mark and Richard were new players and we immediately put them to work in the campaign. They chose their forces, and, reinforced with Firestorm troops, they both fought over the critical territory of Zhlobin. After the dust settled, the Soviets managed to capture the city, extending their supply route north.

Firestorm Turn 4

Game 5: Rogachev to Slavgorod
Wayne (Soviet) versus Jeremy (German)
Fighting Withdrawl, 5-2 Soviet Major Victory

The Soviet force managed to attack a withdrawing German forces. Jeremy’s rearguard was a collection of Panthers and Tigers which gave much grief to the Wayne’s Soviet armoured assault. Though he incurred heavy casualties, Wayne managed to secure the objective and capture the territory.

Soviet Win
German Win

Game 6: Gorki to Orsha
Blake (Soviet) versus Greg (German)
Encounter, 5-2 German Major Victory


Players Blake and Greg failed to report their battle and have since been sent to their appropriate Penal formations. Meanwhile, to fill you in, Blake attempted to assail Orsha to open up the northern approach toward Minsk. In a desperate battle, sure to have involved Brumbars, Greg held out, pushing Blake back into Gorki. 

Game 7: Karpilovka to Berezina
Sam (Soviet) versus Mark (Romanian)
Fighting Withdrawl, 4-3 Romanian Minor Victory


Mark had to joined the Battlefront team merely days before being put in command of a Romanian company. Sam's tankovy challenged the newcomer and the battle ensued. The Romanians managed to hold out for some time, finally pushing the Soviet tanks out of the territory. 

German Win
Soviet Win

Game 8: Dobryna to Orsha
Mike Haycock (Soviet) versus Kyran (German)
Hold The Line, 4-3 Soviet Minor Victory


Mike Haycock learned of his looming death threat from General Townley and decided he should rectify the situation by recapturing Orsha. General Henry was present inspecting the besieged city when the attack occurred and took command. The fierce battle resulted in a narrow Soviet victory. Orsha could no longer be held and finally fell to the Soviets permanently. 

Game 9: Slavgorod to Mogliev
Casey (Soviet) versus Mike Haught (German)
Hold the Line, 6-1 Soviet Stunning Victory


Mike's Sturmgrenadiers retreated to Mogleiv after the fall of Orsha. He manned the defences of the city, confident that the Soviets would just ride on by,... But Casey had other plans and assaulted the Sturmkompanie with all due haste.

See the battlereport here... 

Soviet Win
Firestorm Turn 4
German Win

Game 10: Bykhov to Zholobin
Andrew Haught (Soviet) versus Casey (German)
No Retreat, 4-3 German Minor Victory

Andrew has always been an avid supporter of the Cossack cause, and jumped at the opportunity to assault a dug-in, Fearless Veteran defender supported by tanks. His cavalry charged into the German defences at Bykhov but met with stiff resistance. However, he managed to keep the fight alive with his cossack artillery taking advantage of the 3+ firepower in direct shooting. But that was not enough to break Casey’s tenacious SS defenders and he was forced to retreat.

Firestorm Turn 4

Game 11: Volozhin to Smolevichi
Tony (British) versus Rob (German)
Breakthrough, 4-3 British Minor Victory

Rob lashed out an attacked the Soviet-held Smolevichi. His tank assault was halted by Tony’s infantry. After a hard fought battle, the British managed to see off the German attack and capture Volozhin.

Soviet Win
Firestorm Turn 4
German Win

Game 12: Borizov to Dzisna
Jochen (German) versus Andy (American)
Breakthrough, 6-1 German Stunning Victory

The American Expeditionary Force launched an attack into Dzisna. They were met by Jochen’s Tiger Abteilung. Andy’s Americans were stopped cold by an ambush of three Tigers. Following that it was difficult for the Allies to rally and the attack was halted and turned back.

Firestorm Turn 4

Game 13: Osipovichi to Bobruisk
Shane (Soviet) versus Phil (German)
Free-for-all, 4-3 Soviet Minor Victory

Shane launched his assault on the city of Bobruisk, the last of the German Festerplatz towns. Using the might of Soviet artillery he blasted the cowardly Germans commanded by Phil. The initial assault wavered and broke on the German fortifications where the Soviet infantry was slaughtered to the man! However, the timely arrival of a Tankovy company broke through the line and captured the objective-the last city on the front line was now in Soviet control!

Soviet Win
Soviet Win

Game 14: Rechitsa to Berezina
Wayne (Soviet) versus Ken (German)
Free-for-All, 6-1 Soviet Stunning Victory


Wayne pushed into Berezina in an attempt to secure another supply line north. His forces charged headlong into Ken's pioneers behind their defensive positions. The pioneers put up a fight, but failed to stem the Red Army's assault. Wayne's T-34s charged through the defences, heedless of the danger of mines. Ken's pioneers were shocked and not prepared to deal with such a bold manoeuvre! 

Firestorm Turn 4
End of Operations: Turn 4

Important Links:

Firestorm Turn 4 & Campaign Map ...

German Commander's Turn 4 Status Report ...

Soviet Commander's Turn 4 Status Report ...


Last Updated On Tuesday, December 9, 2008