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11 July 1944

Operation Bagration Status Report
(Turn 4)

Comrade Stalin,
My update this week will be brief as we are preparing for the final attack on Minsk!
Aggressive attacks across the entire front have successfully taken back Orsha, Mogliev and Bobruisk.
General Haycock managed to get word to me that the fall of Orsha had been a cunning ruse to draw the enemy into a trap, allowing him to completely destroy some of the trapped fascists. I have rescinded the shoot on sight order – it is now a “shoot the next time you do something silly” order!
General Casey, whom had been busy with a tactical document known as “Fortress Europe” emerged from his bunker to lead the assault on Mogliev. His use of the Strelkovy battalions is well regarded and total victory came as no surprise to me. Unfortunately his time was limited and needed to return to his important work.
The Germans, hiding behind their fortifications they had no chance to counterattack so we ran no risks by allowing General Shane to attack one of the Germans most well known Generals. However, reinforced with artillery and tank support, General Shane was able to push the cowardly Germans from their hiding places and destroy them!
Right now we are preparing for the final push of the campaign, we will bring Total War to the fascists and nothing shall stop us!
We will not fail you Comrade Stalin!

Soviet Stamp ________________________________
General Marshal Townley etc etc etc.
STAVKA Representative, Operation Bagration

Last Updated On Tuesday, December 9, 2008