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10 July 1944

Army Group Centre Field Status Report
(Turn 4)

Army Group Centre Field Status Report

Mein Fuhrer,
The situation is now critical and the promised reinforcements will now be too late to prevent the fall of the Festerplatz cities. Maximising their successes of the previous days the Soviet forces have rapidly redeployed using the newly captured rail lines and have now taken the cities of Bobruisk, Mogilev and Orsha. The German Forces in Bobruisk fought to the last man and slaughtered large numbers of Soviet troops before all communication with them was lost.
Minsk is now surrounded and the attack on the city is imminent. I have taken the precaution of redeploying my command to Vilna and have left orders to the Minsk garrison to hold until relief arrives.
My Generals in the field have managed some minor victories and are doing their best to stem the Soviet advance.
I now await the outcome of the battle for Minsk and fervently pray that the German eagle will continue to fly over the city and that the dreaded Hammer and Sickle is broken on the gates of Minsk.

As ever your loyal servant,

__________________________ Generalfeldmarschall Henry
Army Group Centre

For the Fatherland!

German Stamp

Last Updated On Tuesday, December 9, 2008