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1 July 1944

Army Group Centre Field Status Report
(Turn 3)

Army Group Centre Field Status Report

Mein Fuhrer,
I am sorry to report a major setback in our counter offensive operations.

The Soviets have broken through our southern front via Osipovichi due to the use of a British expeditionary force. In a series of lightning strikes, at Osipovichi, Stolpce and Marina Gorka which have all fallen to the Red Army. Minsk itself is now threatened by attack. However the Soviets are stretched thin on their push to Minsk and it is only a matter of time before we cut off and destroy their forward forces.

General Haycock successfully recaptured Orsha and is rebuilding the fortifications as quickly as possible. We should have it back in supply in the coming days and then we will begin our push to cut of the Soviet southern army.

I must stress the need for more men to be sent to this sector as the Soviets are continuously cutting of our supply lines and encircling my forward units. My Generals are fighting desperately to hold onto our territories but the sheer weight of enemy numbers is beginning to tell upon the morale of my battered soldiers.

I would remind the Fuhrer that it was his senior staff who decided to transfer my mobile support units to the north and they have as yet failed to send me any replacements. The minor conflict on the Western front cannot be allowed to take precedence over the potential catastrophe brewing in the East.

As ever your loyal servant,

__________________________ Generalfeldmarschall Henry
Army Group Centre

For the Fatherland!

German Stamp

Last Updated On Tuesday, December 2, 2008