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1 July 1944

Operation Bagration Status Report
(Turn 3)

Comrade Stalin,
Minsk will be ours!
Our previous strike against Orsha has paid huge dividends, forcing the Fascists to move critical reinforcements to that sector, striping the southern route to Minsk and allowing our forces to exploit the enemy’s weakness.
General Sam, after having been sent additional reinforcements from the Corps Kommisar detachment returned to the field of battle, and was once again beaten by the aggressive German Panzers, however the additional support proved valuable as the rout was not so complete this time.
I succeeded in my appointed duties by allowing our glorious forces to push past the Fascists in some key areas. Upon returning to my men I was also able to further open the door on Minsk by capturing Stolpce.
Once again General Tony was called in to support our brave soldiers with the British Expeditionary Army, successfully opening up the advance towards Minsk. I have put a request in with Procurement Officer Phil that the glorious Soviet army be armed with Churchill Crocodiles in the future, however he claims that shipments cannot be made available at this time!
Our brave comrade, General Wayne, long known for his misfortune on the battlefield, chose to attack two of the weaker enemy forces over the last week, one attack was successful whilst the other was pushed back. His aggressive use of your men and material will be noted for future performance appraisals.
Last of all I have terrible news to report. Comrade General Mike Haycock, fresh from his assault on Orsha opened the doors for the freshly reinforced Germans and the city fell. I have issued a shoot on sight order as he is now considered a traitor!
We will not fail you Comrade Stalin!

Soviet Stamp ________________________________
General Marshal Townley etc etc etc.
STAVKA Representative, Operation Bagration

Last Updated On Tuesday, December 2, 2008