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German Win

Game 1: Polotsk to Dzisna
Sam (Soviet) versus Rob (German)
Hold the Line, 4-3 German Minor Victory

Sam’s victory in the field stopping the German mauraders in the south led Stalin to place him in the front line again. He was given the task to take Dzisna, a critical German supply line. Its capture would allow the Soviet war machine to attack various critical targets. However, Rob’s Germans, still sore from the beating they received from Sam’s troops merely days before, rallied and halted the attempt. Sam’s troops were thrown back out of Polotsk, stunting the Soviet advance and tempting his fate with Stalin!

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 2: Smolevichi to Borizov
Blake (Soviet) versus Greg (German)
Encounter, 5-2 German Major Victory

The Soviets had been too successful for their own good, stranding a Tank Corps in Borizov. Blake’s cut off Soviet forces were surrounded by German forces and were subsequentally attacked by Greg’s pioneers. Intially the battle went well for the entrapped Soviet troops. They managed to swing around and hold the German attack back. But the timely arrival of pioneers and Tigers. Also, despite not having an urban environment for hundreds of kilometres, Brumbars also showed up to help out. In the end, it was a heroic anti-aircraft halftrack that won the honor of securing the surrender of Soviet forces in Borisov by capturing their objective!  

German Win
Notes: The Soviets received their first Firestorm troop casualty; a T-34/85 unit in Borizov! This was acceptable, however, considering the Germans had lost two pioneer troops the week before in Vitebsk and Orsha!
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
Soviet Win

Game 3: Karpilovka to Kalinkovichi
Mike Haycock (Soviet) versus Chris (German)
Encounter, 5-2 Soviet Major Victory

When Chris reported to Stalin’s office, upon personal request, there was an obvious amount of tension. Ironically, both Stalin and Chris agreed that the outcome of the meeting would involve a quick visit to a firing squad for Chris.

Interestingly, it was Zhukov that saved Chris a less than honourable death. Zhukov pointed out the obvious fact to Comrade Stalin that Chris is amazingly bad in the field. But that was a fact that could be used in their favour. Comrade Stalin agreed and signalled an NKVD officer who promptly hauled off Chris.

Two days later after a stint in a solitary cell, Chris emerged sporting a German captain’s uniform and his bushy moustache trimmed to match Hitler’s. He was then flown over enemy lines before being kicked out the door. When he landed he wandered about for a while until he found a few Germans on patrol in their Kubelwagen. Using hand gestures, he told them that he was getting over a terrible cold and couldn’t speak, but asked if they could transport him to his company. The grenadiers agreed and soon Chris found himself in command of a German company.

Meanwhile, Mike’s Tankovy Batalon was moved into position south of Bobruisk directly opposite of Chris. Battle commenced, and Mike’s troops mauled their way through ‘capturing’ Hauptman Chris and returning him to Stalin for evaluation. Chris was confident that he had done his job and happily reported what had occurred in the battle. Stalin looked coldly at him.

“You lost that battle rather badly.” noted Comrade Stalin

“Yes, sir!” Chris proudly replied. “When can I rejoin my unit?”

“You lost, two Victory Points to five.” said Comrade Stalin. “You are indeed a terrible general. You will not be given command of a Soviet force until you can prove to me that you can put up a fight.”

The NKVD officer walked up behind Chris, and placed his hand on the shattered commander’s shoulder.

“Come with me, comrade. Your plane and parachute await...”

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 4: Dzisna to Obal
Andrew (Soviet) versus Jochen (German)
Fighting Withdrawl, 6-1 German Major Victory

In the battles of the previous week, Jochen’s grenadiers suffered at the hands of Andrew’s Soviet force. So when they heard the same Soviets were in Obal, they were excited to get a little revenge. However, Soviet intelligence detected the attack and Andrew’s force was sent to spoil the attack. The Soviets attacked Jochen’s company but fell into a trap. While Jochen’s company withdrew, Panzers were sent to outflank the Russians who were forced to retire after realising their folly!

German Win
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
Soviet Win

Game 5: Karpilovka to Osipovichi
Tony (British) versus Ken (German)
Fighting Withdrawl, 4-3 Soviet Minor Victory

Tony’s British Expeditionary Force gained another victory with the capture of the vital territory of Osipovichi. British Commandos and Crocodiles pressed into the German line. Ken’s pioneers attempted an orderly withdrawl, but were frustrated by the heavy Crocs and the presence of CS Hollis and John Trevelan, who had both been taken from their units in Normandy and arrived via Archangel the night before to command the company.

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 6: Dobryna to Tolochin
Wayne (Soviet) versus Jeremy (German)
Free-for-All, 5-2 Soviet Major Victory

Wayne’s Tankovy ran head long into Jeremy’s Panther company on the plains of Tolochin. He incurred massive casualties before regrouping. His tanks, filled with an unbridled desire for revenge, worked over the Panthers with 152mm artillery and T-34/85 tanks. In the end, Jeremy’s Panthers and Tigers were forced off the field of battle, leaving the territory in Soviet hands.

Soviet Win
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
Soviet Win

Game 7: Dobryna to Polotsk
Sam (Soviet) versus Chris (German)
Free-for-All, 4-3 Soviet Minor Victory

Again, Chris attempted his best to please Stalin, by losing as a German commander (but not badly). Sam’s T-34/85 tanks and infantry assaulted into Chris’ assault guns, incurring some casualities. Ultimately, the Soviet forces prevailed, but will Chris’ efforts be enough for Stalin?

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 8: Osipovichi to Stolpce
Chris (Soviet) versus Rob (German)
Fighting Withdrawl, 4-3 Soviet Minor Victory

Stalin granted Chris a rare second chance at commanding another one of the People’s Tankovy battalions. He attacked the withdrawing German forces at Stolpce, attempting to cut off retreat and supply routes from Minsk. The Germans were ready and tried to make an organised retreat. They were afforded some air support and managed to keep the Soviets at bay for a short while. Then Chris launched everything he had and managed to break the German company which collapsed and retreated in disorder.

Soviet Win
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
German Win

Game 9: Rechitsa to Berezina
Wayne (Soviet) versus Kyran (German)
Free-for-All, 4-3 German Minor Victory

Wayne struck out to attack the area surrounding Bobruisk in order to prepare for an assault on the city. Kyran’s Germans awaited the assault from behind their fortifications. However, Wayne’s tanks were slowly stopped and turned back.

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 10: Gorki to Orsha
Sam (Soviet) versus Mike Haycock (German)
Encounter, 4-3 German Minor Victory

Mike took command of the wandering German pocket and attacked Orsha in an attempt to cut the Soviet supply route through the center of the map. Sam’s Tankovy rushed to meet the invaders and encountered them outside of the city. However, they were unable to stop the incursion and The Germans managed to capture the town once more!

German Win
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
Soviet Win

Game 11: Osipovichi to Marina Gorka
Mike Haycock (British) versus Ken (German)
Encounter, 5-2 British Major Victory

Mike switched sides to play his British Expeditionary Force. His troops moved from the center front to just outside Minsk. Despite being out of supply and having super-reluctant troops, Mike struck Smolevichi and managed to rout Ken’s troops. The noose is tightening around Minsk!

Firestorm Battles Turn 3

Game 12: Bykhov to Berezino
Wayne (Soviet) versus Casey (German)
Free-for-All, 4-3 German Minor Victory

Wayne’s tanks advanced to Berezino to attempt to crush the German pocket that has now formed in the middle of the map. Casey’s SS attempted to contain the perimeter. The fight degenerated into a drawn-out long-range gun duel. The SS managed to press the advantage of its training and eventally stopped the Soviet advance.

German Win
Firestorm Battles Turn 3
German Win

Game 13: Rechista to Berezina
Mike Haught (Soviet) versus Greg (German)
Encounter, 4-3 German Minor Victory

With the Germans out of supply, Mike attacked Greg’s pioneers with his IS-2 battalion. Just as the attack began, a King Tiger appeared on the battlefield. Not to be discouraged, Mike pressed forward, blowing up anything that wasnt the King Tiger. After a long, yet exciting battle, Mike’s IS-2s were confounded by Greg’s judicial use of fortifications and a King Tiger!

Firestorm Battles Turn 3
End of Operations: Turn 3

Important Links:

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German Commander's Week 3 Status Report ...

Soviet Commander's Week 3 Status Report ...


Last Updated On Thursday, December 4, 2008 by Chris at Battlefront