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Macleans Tournament 2024

Maclean's College Flames Of War Tournament 2024
By Troy Phillips

On June 15th, Macleans College hosted its inaugural Flames Of War tournament, marking the beginning of what promises to be a series of exciting events organised by the school’s wargaming club.

This maiden tournament was a first-time experience for these junior high school players, with most of the members new to the hobby this year. While many competitors brought starter forces, some showcased upgraded armies. Notably, two Jagdtiger formations, representing the 512th and 653rd battalions, were fielded. With army lists capped at 90 points, the presence of two Jagdtiger formations was particularly surprising.

The event was organised by the club’s senior student member Troy Phillips, supported by the club's Teacher in Charge, Stephen Askin. Despite the newness of the group, the games proceeded smoothly, with only occasional rules clarifications needed.

 Macleans Tournament 2024        Macleans Tournament 2024

The first-place victory went to Charlie’s "Sigma ISUs", who triumphed over Felix’s 106th Brigade Panthers in an 8-1 final game. Charlie's reserves flanked and systematically eliminated the Panthers, securing a win by formation break. An honourable mention goes to Li-en, who placed third overall with an unmodified starter force, the German Tank Training Company.

Macleans Tournament 2024

Congratulations to all these young contestants for their excellent sportsmanship and impressive strategic growth. And a special thanks and much gratitude to Battlefront for their exemplary support and providing an outstanding prize pool for this first tournament. It’s pleasing to see the hobby growing successfully at the high school level and we look forward to many more successful events in the future.

Winners of the general categories:

  • First Place - Charlie (19 VP)
  • Second Place - Felix (17 VP)
  • Third Place - Lie-en (15 VP)
  • Best Sport= - Lie-en, Lucas
  • Best Painted= - Steven, Felix
  • Wooden Spoon - Jackson

Macleans Tournament 2024

Macleans Tournament 2024

Charlie with his 1st place Prize, City Ruins , Stalingrad Ruins, Bunker Token Set. Felix with his 2nd place prize.

Macleans Tournament 2024

Macleans Tournament 2024

Li-en with his 3rd place prize. Felix & Steven with their Best Painted prizes.
Macleans Tournament 2024

~ Troy

Last Updated On Thursday, July 11, 2024 by Kevin