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Forces of War

D-Day: Forces in Normandy, Free On Forces

Each D-Day: Forces in Normandy book contains a unique code that unlocks all of the books contents in Forces Of War: Forces, Formations, Unit Cards, and Command Cards. All you need to do is find the code in the back of the book and enter it on the Forces Of War website.

You can find Forces Of War Here...

New to Forces Of War?
If you are relatively new to the hobby and have never encountered Forces Of War then this is a good time to check it out. Forces Of War is the online force builder for Flames Of War and is an invaluable tool for building and storing army lists, as well as printing out your Unit and Command Cards ready for battle. You can purchase individual Formations if you just have the one army, or entire groups in one go. Of course if you have purchased the new D-Day: Forces in Normandy, 1944 book then you can unlock all those Formations for free!

You can find Forces Of War Here...


Step 1

To unlock the D-Day lists in Forces Of War, head over to the Forces website and click on the Account tab.

D-Day on Forces

Step 2

If you are not already logged it, then do so. Alternatively, if this is your first visit then create an account.

D-Day on Forces

Step 3

Click on the “Add Book Code” button.

 D-Day on Forces

Step 4

Add the unique code found in the back of the D-Day: Forces in Normandy, 1944 book.

You can try using the code in the picture, but by the time you read this someone will have probably used it already…

 D-Day on Forces

Step 5

At this point, you can check out the lists that have been added to your account or dive straight in to building your new army…

If you want to check out what has been added, go back to the Accounts tab and click “Unlocked Lists” to see what options are available to you to build from.

D-Day on Forces

D-Day on Forces
Or, if you want to start building then click the “New Force” button, select one of the D-Day books and begin putting together your next army!
D-Day on Forces

~ Enjoy!


If you haven't already, you can also download the digital PDF for D-Day: Forces in Normandy for free, if you own the book!

Click here to see how...

Last Updated On Thursday, June 6, 2024 by Kevin