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21. Panzerdivision Army Deal

21. Panzerdivision (GEAB27)
The 21st Panzer Division is one of the more colourful divisions to fight in the Normandy Campaign. Descended from Rommel's legendary Afrika Korps, they would have attracted attention anyway. On top of this, their equipment was rather unique, featuring modified French tanks giving them a unique blend of mobility and firepower.

Check out the 21. Panzerdivision (GEAB27) in the online store here...

21. Panzerdivision includes:

• 7x Hotchkiss Assault Guns
• 1x Panzergrenadier Platoon
• 4x U304(f) Half-tracks
• 6x Lorraine Schlepper Self-propelled Guns
• 1x Sd Kfz 231 (8-rad) Armoured Car
• 1x Sd Kfz 222 (2cm) Armoured Car
• 1x Sd Kfz 221 (2.8cm) Armoured Car
• 1x Lorraine Schlepper OP
• 10x Unit Cards

Exclusive Army Deal Items:

• 1x Destroyed Lorraine Schlepper Objective
• 1x Crashed Typhoon Objective
• 20x 21. Panzerdivision Dice
• 20x 21. Panzerdivision Tokens and 2x Objectives
• 2x 21. Panzerdivision Decal Sheets

21. Panzerdivision Army Deal



The Hotchkiss (7.5cm) assault guns are well-armed, but lightly armoured. They mass their firepower to overcome the enemy before they can exploit the Hotchkiss (7.5cm) assault gun’s weak armour. To take advantage of the vehicles strengths, a commander will manoeuvre a strong battlegroup into a covered firing position before opening fire, taking the enemy by surprise.

Lorraine Schlepper

155. Panzerartillerie regiment are equipped with self-propelled guns mounted on French Lorraine Schlepper tracked carrier chassis. The third battery in each self-propelled artillery battalion has the heavy 15cm (sf ) Lorraine Schlepper self-propelled guns.

Lorraine Schlepper

Lorraine Schlepper OP

Lorraine Schlepper OP

Lorraine Schlepper OP



The 21st Panzer Division used French half-tracks fitted with armoured bodies in place of the usual Sd Kfz 251 half-tracks.

Sd Kfz 231

The Sd Kfz 231 eight-wheeler armoured car was bigger and better armoured than the small Sd Kfz 222, allowing it to carry its own radio. This made it ideal for longer-ranged patrols deep behind enemy lines.

Sd Kfz 231

Sd Kfz 222

Sd Kfz 222

21. Panzeraufklärungsabteilung (Armoured Reconnaissance Battalion) has a mix of old train-ing equipment and the latest issue. The wheeled armoured cars are an assortment of four and eight-wheeled armoured cars dating back to the first year of the war. Being good German equip-ment they still function.

Sd Kfz 221

The Sd Kfz 221, 222, and 231 armoured cars are able to use their mobility to scout out the enemy and find and secure routes of advance for the panzers.

Sd Kfz 221
Panzergrenadier Platoon

Panzergrenadier Platoon

Panzergrenadier Platoon MG42 Team

Panzergrenadier Platoon

The motorised panzergrenadier battalions have much more firepower than the rifle battalions of the infantry divisions, allowing them to launch attacks and counterattacks without the need to wait for outside support. When they have panzers and artillery attached, they are difficult to stop without a layered defence in depth.
Box Content
Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Hotchkiss (7.5cm or 10.5cm) Resin & Metal Parts
Hotchkiss Parts
Lorraine Schlepper (10.5cm or 15cm) Resin & Metal Parts
Lorraine Schlepper Parts
Lorraine Schlepper OP Resin & Metal Parts
Lorraine Schlepper OP Parts
U304(f) (MG or 3.7cm) Resin & Metal Parts
U304(f) Parts
Sd Kfz 231 Resin & Metal Parts
Sd Kfz 231 Parts
Sd Kfz 222 & 221 Resin & Metal Parts
Sd Kfz 222 & 221 Parts
Plastic Panzergrenadier Sprue (x2)
Panzergrenadier Platoon
Grenadier HQ Sprue (x3) Plastic Tank Commander Sprue (x1)
Grenadier HQ Tank Commanders
21. Panzerdivision Decal Sheets (x2) 
21. Panzerdivision Decals
21. Panzerdivision Token Set (20x Tokens, 2x Objectives)
21. Panzerdivision Tokens
21. Panzerdivision Dice (x20) 
21. Panzerdivision Dice
Destroyed Lorraine Schlepper Objective (x1)
Destroyed Lorraine Schlepper
Crashed Typhoon Objective (x1)
Crashed Typhoon
GEAB27 Bases
Unit Cards
D-Day: Germans Force Card (x1) 
D-Day German Formations Card
7.5cm (SF) Hotchkiss Assault Gun Company HQ (x1) 7.5cm (SF) Hotchkiss(x1)
 Hotchkiss HQ 7.5cm Hotchkiss
10.5cm (SF) Hotchkiss Assault Gun Platoon (x1) 15cm (SF) Lorraine Schlepper Artillery Battery (x1)
 10.5cm Hotchkiss Card 15cm Lorraine Schlepper Card
10.5cm (SF) Lorraine Schlepper Artillery Battery (x1) Lorraine Schlepper OP (x1)
10.5cm Lorraine Schlepper Card Lorraine Schlepper OP
U304(f) Half-Track Transport (x1) Sd Kfz 231 Scout Troop (x1)
U304(f) Card Sd Kfz 231 Card
Sd Kfz 221 & 222 Scout Troop (x1) 21st Panzer Panzergrenadier Platoon (x1)
Sd kfz 221 & 222 Card 21st Panzer Panzergrenadier Card

German Late War Resources

Looking for more information on how to build and paint your Flames Of War models? Then check out our dedicated hobby page.

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Hotchkiss Assembly
Lorraine Schlepper Assembly
Lorraine Schlepper OP Assembly
U304(f) Assembly
Sd Kfz 231 Assembly
Sd kfz 222 & 221 Assembly
Panzergrenadier Platoon Assembly Guide

Last Updated On Thursday, May 30, 2024 by Kevin