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Panzer Lehr Division Army Deal

Panzer Lehr Division (GEAB26)

The Panzer Lehr Division was created in late 1943 from the army’s Lehr, or demonstration, formations used to vali-date proposed structures and tactics. The battalions were gathered early in 1944 to begin training together. By the time it went into battle, Panzer Lehr was the best-equipped division ever fielded by the German Army.

Check out the Panzer Lehr Division (GEAB26) in the online store here...

Panzer Lehr Division includes:

• 1x Panzergrenadier Company HQ
• 2x Panzergrenadier Platoons
• 8x Sd Kfz 251 Half-tracks
• 4x Jagdpanzer IV Assault Guns
• 3x 15cm Nebelwerfer Rocket Launchers
• 2x Sd Kfz 10/4 (2cm) Self-propelled AA
• 7x Unit Cards

Exclusive Army Deal Items:

• 10x Metal Panzer Lehr Infantry to theme your Panzergrenadier Platoons
• 1x Destroyed Tiger Objective
• 1x Destroyed Cromwell Objective
• 20x Panzer Lehr Dice
• 20x Panzer Lehr Tokens and 2 x Objectives
• 2x Panzer Lehr Decal Sheets

Panzer Lehr Division Army Deal

Jagdpanzer IV

Jagdpanzer IV

The Jagdpanzer IV is the first fully-armoured specialist tank-hunter to enter mass production. Combining the mobility and firepower of the Panzer IV tank in a low-slung, well-armoured chassis, the Jagdpanzer is well suited to its role.

Sd Kfz 251

The Sd Kfz 251 half-track gives the panzergrenadiers the speed and armour to attack at the same pace as the panzers. Suppressing the enemy defences with their on-board weapons, the panzergrenadiers can be on top of the enemy positions before the defenders can reposition their reserves and bring fire to bear.

Sd Kfz 251 (MG)

MP40 Formation Command Team

Formation Command MP40 SMG Team

Formation Command MP40 SMG Team

The mobility and massed firepower of the Armoured panzergrenadier companies allows them to overwhelm the enemy before they can respond Their integral support allows the panzergrenadiers to fight with their own resources, freeing the panzers to continue with their own attack.

Panzergrenadier Platoon

Panzergrenadier Platoon

Panzergrenadier Platoon MG42 Team

Panzergrenadier Platoon

The motorised panzergrenadier battalions have much more firepower than the rifle battalions of the infantry divisions, allowing them to launch attacks and counterattacks without the need to wait for outside support. When they have panzers and artillery attached, they are difficult to stop without a layered defence in depth.
Sd kfz 10/4
Sd kfz 10/4

The Sd Kfz 10/4 half-track's 20mm gun is one of the most common anti-aircraft guns in the German army and is equally useful against both Allied air strikes and ground attacks. When defending, the panzergrenadiers often dismount their guns and dug them in for better protection.

Nebelwerfer 15cm

The six-barrelled 15cm Nebelwerfer rocket launcher terrifies Allied soldiers, delivering six screaming rockets per launcher, scattering rockets, packed with 31.8 kg (70 lb) of high-explosives, across a wide area.

Nebelwerfer 15cm

Panzer Lehr Panzergrenadier Models

Panzer Lehr Panzergrenadier Models

Panzer Lehr Panzergrenadier Models

Panzer Lehr Panzergrenadier Models

One of the unique features of the Panzergrenadiers of the elite Panzer Lehr Panzerdivision were their uniforms. Rather than the standard M1942 tunic that many of the other Heer Panzergrenadiers wore they were issued with a Feld Grau short double-breasted tunic similar in cut to that worn by Panzer crews.

Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Plastic Jagdpanzer IV Sprue (x4)
Jagdpanzer IV
Plastic Sd kfz 251 Half-track Sprue (x9)
Sd Kfz 251 (MG)
Plastic Panzergrenadier Sprue (x4)
Panzergrenadier Platoon
Plastic Nebelwerfer Sprue (x3)
Nebelwerfer 15cm
Sd kfz 10/4 Metal & Resin Kit (x2)
Sd kfz 10/4
2cm AA Gun Sprue (x2) Gun Crew Sprue (x3)
Sd Kfz 10/4 Light AA Platoon (GBX147) Sd Kfz 10/4 Light AA Platoon (GBX147)
Plastic Grenadier HQ Sprue (x6) Plastic Tank Commander Sprue (x1) Half-track Crew Sprue (x9)
Grenadier HQ Tank Commanders Half Track Crew
Panzer Lehr Infantry Models
Panzer Lehr Infantry
Panzer Lehr Decal Sheets (x2) 
Panzer Lehr Decals
Panzer Lehr Token Set (20x Tokens, 2x Objectives)
Panzer Lehr Tokens
Panzer Lehr Dice (x20) 
Panzer Lehr Dice
Destroyed Cromwell Objective (x1) 
Destroyed Cromwell
Destroyed Tiger Objective (x1) 
Destroyed Tiger
GEAB26 Bases
GEAB26 Bases
Unit Cards
D-Day: Germans Force Card (x1) 
D-Day German Formations Card
Jagdpanzer IV Tank Hunter Platoon (x1) Sd kfz 251 Half-track Transport (x1)
 Jagdpanzer IV Card Sd kfz 251 Half-Track Transport Card
Armoured Panzergrenadier HQ (x1) Armoured Panzergrenadier Platoon (x1)
 Armoured Panzergrenadier HQ Armoured Panzergrenadier Platoon Card
Sd kfz 10/4 (x1) 15cm Nebelwerfer Battery (15cm) (x1)
Sd kfz 10/4 Nebelwerfer Battery

German Late War Resources

Looking for more information on how to build and paint your Flames Of War models? Then check out our dedicated hobby page.

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Jagdpanzer IV Assembly Guide
Sd Kfz 251 (MG) Assembly Guide
Sd kfz 10/4 Assembly Guide
Nebelwerfer Assembly Guide
Panzergrenadier Platoon Assembly Guide

Last Updated On Thursday, May 30, 2024 by Kevin