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Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!

Team Yankee Armageddon Competition Winners
To celebrate the launch of Team Yankee, we ran a number of competitions through our social media channels, to help you win some pre-release product. 

Join the Facebook group:

Follow Team Yankee on Twitter:

Follow Team Yankee on Instagram:
Team Yankee Facebook Group Team Yankee Twitter Team Yankee Instagram
Facebook/groups/TeamYankeeGame @TeamYankeeGame teamyankeegame

There were four easy ways to enter:

1. You could leave a comment in the competition post on the Team Yankee Group on Facebook 

2. Or you could follow @TeamYankeeGame on Twitter. 

3. You could follow the TeamYankeeGame Instagram account.

We have randomly picked winners for each of these categories, and they can choose one of the four bundles below ("Ground Pounders", "Fast Movers", "Big Guns" and "Triple A) for their choice of either the Americans or Soviets.

If you are wondering why all the Soviet bundles are worth more just remember that in Mother Russia, prizes are bigger!

Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!

Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!

Note: American bundle includes two boxes of M113/M106 so you can build them how you wish.

Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!

Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!


The lucky winners from each social media channel are...
Facebook For commenting on Facebook: Joe Wright
Twitter For following us on Twitter: David Anton Alvarez (@Virien84)
Instagram For following us on Instagram: Erik McEowen (@erik_mceowen)
 Congratulations, guys! We'll be in touch soon, to check which bundle you would like and arrange to send it out to you.

Team Yankee Armageddon Prizes!

The Grand Prize is one of each bundle for either the Americans or Soviets. Entrants were required to take a photo of themselves holding their copy of Team Yankee outside their game store. (FYI, a few entrants didn't have a FLGS, so they took their photos in other locations; of course we considered those entries as well – we're not monsters!)

And the lucky winner of our Grand Prize is...
Congratulations, Dexter!

Dexter Wallis!

As you can see, Dexter picked up his copy of Team Yankee at Chicagoland Games (5550 N Broadway Ave, Chicago)

Chicagoland Games

Congratulations, Dexter! We'll be in touch soon.


 Thanks to everyone who entered!

Last Updated On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 by James at Battlefront