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Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)

Landing by parachute means everything needs to be light, including your machine-guns. The air-cooled Browning M1919A4’s of the Parachute Machine-gun Platoon fit the bill perfectly weighing just 41lb (18.5kg) complete with tripod.
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They provide the airborne troops with a weapon capable of laying down a steady stream of fire to keep Fritz’s heads down, just when you want them to.    

Although they don’t have the weight of fire of the infantry’s heavy water-cooled M1917 machine-guns, having eight in the platoon more than makes up for that.
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) In Flames Of War

The Parachute Machine-gun Platoon comes down with the rest of the Parachute Infantry, so they’re always on hand to lend fire support. A US Parachute Rifle company can have one as a Weapons Platoon support choice.
It can also make combat attachment, dividing its extra fire out among the Parachute Rifle Platoons.

Range 16”/40cm, ROF 5, AT 2 and FP 6.

When pinned down its ROF is only reduced to 2. It is a man-packed gun so can easy keep up with the infantry to give support.

Designed and Painted by Evan Allen
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724) Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)
Parachute Machine-gun Platoon (US724)

Last Updated On Tuesday, February 26, 2019