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23 July 1944

Operation Bagration Status Report
Battle for Minsk

Comrade Stalin,

The fascists have dug in on the outskirts of Minsk, foolishly thinking that they will be able to delay our advance and finish their fortifications in the city suburbs. We have managed to complete the encirclement and their lines of supply are now completely cut off. We expect to face forces weakened or demoralized by their situation, but to be safe I have scheduled my two most prominent generals to lead the assault whilst I manage the overall battle plan. Comrade General Mike “City Killer” Haycock will command our T34/85 battalion whilst the other Comrade General Mike Haught will personally lead his IS-2 battalion.

Our battle plan is to push the enemy flanks, using the T34/85 battalion to draw their attention whilst the IS-2’s and infantry drive over the enemy. Looking at the enemy dispositions it appears as though there is a wide variety of forces that have been pulled together to try and stop us. I am confident that we will finish this with the total destruction of the enemy!

We will not fail you Comrade Stalin!

Soviet Stamp ________________________________
General Marshal Townley etc etc etc.
STAVKA Representative, Operation Bagration

Last Updated On Wednesday, December 17, 2008