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23 July 1944

Army Group Centre Field Status Report
Battle for Minsk

Army Group Centre Field Status Report

Mein Fuhrer,

We have gathered all remaining forces behind our defences to the south of Minsk. Our wounded and support staff will attempt to breakout to the west of the city during the coming conflict. Our Sperrverband (blocking company) is comprised of Gebirgsjager, Pioneers and whatever is left of the company’s supporting heavy tanks.

Our top priority is the destruction of the lead armoured elements arrayed against us. Generals Wayne and Andrew's  infantry companies have been ordered to dig in and fight to the last man. The Tiger IE heavy tanks will be positioned in the middle of the defensive line in order to support both flanks.

The soldiers of the third Reich will fight with unbridled grit and determination! Minsk shall remain in German hands and we will await the relief forces from Warsaw.

As ever your loyal servant,

__________________________ Generalfeldmarschall Henry
Army Group Centre

For the Fatherland!

German Stamp

Last Updated On Wednesday, December 17, 2008