Card Reprints and New Website Announcement

Card Reprints

Card Reprints and New Website Announcement

Unit and Command Card packs have provided players will a simple and easy reference when building and playing with their armies since the launch of WWIII: Team Yankee and the current edition of Flames Of War. When originally conceived, the plan was always to complete one print run of the cards and then, once out of stock, find another way to provide players with another way to access this information long term. They say no plan survives contact and this proved accurate in this case as well – players absolutely loved the convenience of using the cards and we were eager to please, reprinting the packs and moving away from the “one-print-run” plan.

Unit and Command Card Reprints
Some years later we found ourselves with over 60 different packs of Unit and Command Cards and the challenge of trying to keep them all in stock whilst balancing print runs with our suppliers.

Realising that we couldn’t go on this way forever we added the functionality to download Unit and Command Cards as part of building an army in Forces Of War, and with the recent release of D-Day: Forces in Normandy we included a code to unlock the lists in Forces for free when you bought the book.

Physical Unit and Command Cards are not going away. As we bring out new books for both Flames Of War and World War III: Team Yankee we will be printing card packs, these will be single print runs. Once sold out they will still be available, as digital items as part of Forces Of War.

We also acknowledge that some card packs that have been difficult to get so we have completed a massive reprint of cards to get the packs back in your local gaming stores as well as our online store. This reprint is expected to be available in mid-August and whilst it is quite large, we expect demand to be strong so we suggest you make a list, check it twice, and get your order in as soon as possible.

New E-Commerce Website

Whilst we are talking about ordering, you may have heard that a new eCommerce website is on the way and going to be launched soon. This new website will offer a much easier shopping experience for customers (including showing stock levels) as well as giving us the ability to present information in way that will be easier to find and access. Developers are working hard behind the scenes to test it, as we load up the thousands of products across the Flames Of WarWWIII: Team Yankee and of course GF9 ranges.

Our current site is still open for orders.

When we get closer to transitioning platforms we will have more information about the new site, as well as information on what is happening to the existing Flames Of War and WWIII: Team Yankee websites.