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Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)
Contains one FAL Rifle Team, seven FN-FAL and MAG Teams with LAW Anti-tank, one Blindicide or APILAS Anti-tank Team, one 60mm Mortar Team, three Milan Missile Teams, seven medium bases and seven small bases.

The Belgian infantryman is armed with a FN battle rifle, a semi-automatic weapon in 7.62mm calibre. This powerful weapon is longer and heavier than the American M16, and packs more punch. Supporting firepower is provided by the 7.62mm FN-MAG general purpose machine-gun. The platoon is also equipped with LAW disposable anti-tank weapons for defence against tanks and the unit is also equipped with a Blindicide anti-tank team. This Blindicide is a Belgian development of the US Bazooka. They are also equipped with a 60mm mortar to provide further fire support.

Check out the Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) in the Online Store...

Since its inception in 1949, NATO has been a community of free nations brought together with a common goal, to defend the freedom of Western Europe and North America. To do this Canada, France, Netherlands, and Belgium deploy armoured and mechanised forces in West Germany. Old allies have also been called on, and an ANZAC Brigade of Australian and New Zealand troops have answered the call to fight....

World War III: NATO Forces
Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

FAL Rifle Team

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

FN-FAL and MAG Teams with LAW Anti-tank
Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)
Blindicide Anti-tank Team

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

60mm Mortar Team

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

Milan Missile Teams

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)

Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)
Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)
Infantry Platoon (x41 Figs) (TBE702)



Last Updated On Thursday, September 28, 2023