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More Missions

Missions for Flames Of War - Updated April 2023
With the rulebook now adopting the revised victory conditions from the old More Missions pack, we've updated it (now just called the Missions pack) to reflect this. 

Each mission has a double page telling you how to play the mission and detailing the mission special rules. You can either print each mission out on a single piece of paper (front and back) or print it as a booklet with each mission on facing pages.

The Battle Plans mission selector allow you and your opponent to choose the most appropriate missions for your forces. Each player chooses a plan (Attack, Manoeuvre, or Defend) and then you look up a table to see which mission to play and who will be the attacker.

Flames Of War-Missions.pdf...

Flames Of War-Missions (no background texture).pdf...


More Missions


Last Updated On Tuesday, June 18, 2024 by Wayne at Battlefront