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5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
with one Nest and 5cm KwK gun

Fortifications are the centrepiece of any defence. A bunker provides the occupants with protection from enemy fire, while providing excellent fields of fire.

Available by direct order only in the online store here...

Painting the 5cm KwK Nest

Nest Colours
Base Colour German Grey (995); Highlight London Grey (836)

Gun Colour
Base Colour Middlestone (882)

Nest designed by Jason Buyaki & Mike Haught
Gun designed by Evan Allen
Painted by Blake Coster

5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
5cm KwK Nest (XBX03) 5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)
5cm KwK Nest (XBX03)

Last Updated On Monday, June 10, 2024 by Kevin