The Battle of the Bulge

Epic Loot: Part One
A Guide to Using the Sherman and Tank Destroyer Stowage
with James Brown and Blake Coster

There are an impressive number of Sherman variants available to the Flames Of War player. These included the M4A3E8 Easy Eight, the M4A3E2 Jumbo and the M4A3 (Late) just to name a few.

Read Epic Loot: Part Two - A Guide to Painting the Sherman and Tank Destroyer Stowage here...

M4A3E2 Jumbo Tanks (UBX25) M4A3E8 Easy Eight (UBX26)
Learn more about the M4A3E2 Jumbo here...
Learn more about the M4A3E8 Easy Eight here...
The Battle of the Bulge
In December 1944 the German forces were supposed to be on the back foot, so their desperate push in the Ardennes took the Allies by surprise. Desperate defence by the American and British Commonwealth forces gradually turned to counterattack as they fought to erase the 'Bulge'.

Learn more about The Battle of the Bulge here...

Battle of the Bulge: Allied Forces on the German border, September 1944 – February 1945
Learn more about the M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer here...
Learn more about the M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer here...
M18 Tank Destroyer Platoon (UBX10) M36 Tank Destroyer Platoon (UBX30)
With the introduction of these new vehicles, the box sets include stowage sprues so you can personalise each vehicle to really make them stand out on the battlefield. In this article we take a look at these sprues and provide a guide of what can go where on each vehicle.

But first, let's take a look at the stowage sprues.
The Stowage Sprues
The Sherman Stowage Sprues Sherman Stowage Spures
The Sherman stowage sprues included in the Sherman box sets. Including the:

■ M4A3E2 Jumbo (UBX25)
■ M4A3E8 Easy Eight (UBX26)
■ M4A3 (76mm) (UBX27)
■ M4A3 (Late) (UBX28)
■ M4A3 (UBX29)

M10 Stowage Sprues
The M10 stowage sprues are included in the following box sets:

■ M10 3in GMC (UBX31)
■ M36 Jackson (UBX30)
M18 Stowage Sprue
Included only in the M18 Hellcat (UBX10) box set.
The M10 Stowage Sprues
The M18 Stowage Sprue
What Goes Where
Sherman Stowage #1
■ The stowage highlighted in blue is designed to be placed on the sides of the turret or the sides of the hull.
■ The stowage highlighted in yellow can be placed anywhere on the Sherman.
Sherman Stowage #2
■ The stowage highlighted in green is designed to be placed on the engine deck of the Sherman.
■ The stowage highlighted in red is designed to be placed on the front glacis plate of the Sherman.
Sherman Stowage Sprue #1 Sherman Stowage Sprue #2
Note: Some parts of the stowage are designed for specific Sherman varients. For example, the spare road wheels; one is for the M4A3 while the other is for the M4A3E8. If in doubt, check the stowage matches to the same part of the tank you want it to represent.
M10 Stowage #1
■ The stowage highlighted in green is designed to be placed on the engine deck of the M10 and M36.
■ The stowage highlighted in red is designed to be placed on the front glacis plate M10 or M36.
■ The stowage highlighted in blue is designed to be placed on the sides of the turret of the M10 or M36.
M10 Stowage #2
■ The stowage highlighted in red is designed to be placed on the front glacis plate M10 or M36.
■ The stowage highlighted in blue is designed to be placed on the sides of the turret of the M10 or M36.
M10 Stowage Sprue #1 M10 Stowage Sprue #2
M18 Stowage Sprue
■ The stowage highlighted in red is designed to be placed on the front glacis plate M18.
■ The stowage highlighted in blue is designed to be placed on the sides of the turret of the M18.
■The stowage highlighted in yellow can be placed anywhere on the M18.

M18 Stowage
Examples of the Sherman Stowage
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Examples of the Sherman engine deck stowage on a M4A3E2 Jumbo, a M4A3E8 Easy Eight and M4A3 (Late).
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Sherman Engine Deck Stowage
Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage
Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage
Examples of the Sherman front glacis plate stowage on a M4A3E2 Jumbo, a M4A3 (Late) and M4A3.
Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage
Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage Sherman Glacis Plate Stowage
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Examples of the Sherman turret and hull side stowage on a M4A3, a M4A3 (Late), a M4A3E2 Jumbo and a M4A3E8 Easy Eight.
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Examples of the specific stowage for the M4A3E8 Easy Eight and the M4A3 series.
Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage Sherman Turret and Hull Side Stowage
Examples of the M18 Stowage
M18 Stowage M18 Stowage M18 Stowage
M18 Stowage M18 Stowage M18 Stowage
Examples of the M18 front glasic plate and turret stowage. Note: The turret stowage is designed to fit onto the stowage bins on the turret sides.
M18 Stowage M18 Stowage M18 Stowage
M18 Stowage
M18 Stowage M18 Stowage
Examples of the M10 & M36 Stowage
M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage
M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage
Examples of the M10 and M36 front glasic plate stowage. Note: The two smaller pieces of stowage are designed to be either used together or as two separate pieces.
M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage
M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage M10 & M36 Glacis Plate Stowage
M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage
M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage
Examples of the M10 and M36 turret side stowage.
M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage
M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage More examples of the M10 and M36 turret side stowage.

Note: Each piece of front glacis plate and turret side stowage has notches to help align with the raised detail on each model. An example can be seen in the photo below.
M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage M10 & M36 Turret Side Stowage
M10 & M36 Engine Deck Stowage
M10 & M36 Engine Deck Stowage M10 & M36 Engine Deck Stowage M10 & M36 Engine Deck Stowage
M10 & M36 Engine Deck Stowage

Examples of the M10 and M36 engine deck stowage.

Remember, these are just our examples of how you can use the stowage sprue. A quick internet search can provide you with plenty of inspiration.

Read Epic Loot: Part Two - A Guide to Painting the Sherman and Tank Destroyer Stowage here...

~ James & Blake.

Last Updated On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 by James at Battlefront